Amber the Ambitious Spider

A Narrated Musical Tale About A Very Special Spider

Amber the SpiderOne day, in the previous century, a young composer named Arthur Breur was walking his dogs down the street where he lived.  As he was strolling along, lost in thought, he walked right through a spider web.


Somehow, a spider had built a web that went across the whole street!

“What an ambitious spider!” he thought (after he was done jumping around doing the “EEK-I-Walked-Through-A-Spider-Web” dance). “That spider was trying to catch a CAR!”

The seed of an idea was planted. It took many years to grow, and now the first leaves of a new, narrated musical fairy tale are starting to sprout.

Things are getting EXCITING!

World Premiere was

February 5, 2023, 3pm
in Tigard, Oregon

See the video!


Planned Creations

  1. Narrated Musical Work
    Available for your local orchestra to perform. Click here to buy the score!
  2. Album of the Narrated Musical Tale
  3. Album of just the music from Amber
  4. Illustrated Storybook